Ballast Water

Ballast Water Filtration

Ballast water is water specially injected to maintain the balance of the ship. It is an important guarantee for the safe navigation of ships, especially for those do not carry the right amount of goods. The right amount of ballast water ensures that the ship's propeller has sufficient draft to minimize the hull vibration caused by the ship's wake, and maintain the propulsion efficiency. Ballast water is loaded on board at the port of origin to stabilize the ship and is discharged at the port of destination. Ballast water contains a large number of organisms, such as bacteria, plankton, viruses, small fishes, crabs or jellyfishes, which not only clog the downstream pipes and other equipment, but also expose local ecosystems to threats from alien species when they are brought to and discharged at the port of destination. Hanke offers professional ballast water filtration solutions to make you free from worries.

For details, please refer to:

Ballast Water Filtration Solutions
The ship is discharging ballast water into the sea.
  • Background
    The discharge of untreated ship ballast water will cause environment pollution while harmful aquatic organisms from the ballast water may pose a threat to human health. The risk of introducing harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and associated sediments from ship's ballast water should be minimized. Therefore, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) formulated the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments in 2004. The filtered ballast water shall conform to IMO standards.
  • Problem
    Ballast water contains a large number of organisms, such as bacteria, plankton, viruses, small fishes, crabs or jellyfishes, which not only clog the downstream pipes and other equipment, but also expose local ecosystems to threats from alien species when they are brought to and discharged at the port of destination.
  • Solution
    Automatic backwash filters with a filter rating of 50 μm are generally adopted for ballast water filtration. When the ballast water passes through the filter, the filter automatically removes marine organisms larger than 50 μm and returns them to local waters, and filters out particulate impurities that may clog pipes and damage downstream equipment.

Ballast water filtration flow chart

Automatic backwash filter for ballast water filtration